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The key issues driving my campaign are education, agriculture, healthcare, and economic development.




Both my mother and grandmother were educators in Kentucky’s public schools and I will always support and fight to protect public education in the Commonwealth. I am 100-percent opposed to taking tax dollars away from our already cash-strapped school districts to fund charter schools. These schools are not held to the same standards as public schools in terms of curriculum and teacher qualifications, and—more importantly—they are allowed to discriminate through closed-door admission processes. I believe every student in Kentucky deserves a quality education.


My father was a farmer and since he passed I have been thrust into the role of maintaining our family farm. Agriculture has been the lynchpin of this community’s economy since it was settled centuries ago, and for good reason. Our farmers produce dairy, wheat, soybeans, corn, beef, pork, poultry—the list could go on forever. I will do everything in my power to support those farmers, whether through farm subsidies, championing investment into new production methods, strengthening networks between producers and purchasers, or whatever else is needed for a 21st century ag economy.


I have worked in the healthcare-adjacent field of insurance for the past 20 years, and I understand the challenges we face on this front. I will work to ensure that every person in the Commonwealth has access to basic healthcare and will support bills that make healthcare more affordable. I will fight against price-gouging and work to keep drug costs affordable for Kentuckians. 

Economic Development

The 21st District is bursting with untapped potential to grow our economy. I will focus my efforts on creating a business-friendly environment that is attractive to entrepreneurs and established companies alike. In this regard, our county borders are irrelevant. We must evolve past the status quo of fighting each other over crumbs and work together to bake our own cake. Our district is brimming with opportunity—we have industrial parks, infrastructure, highway connectors, beautiful small towns, and multiples lakes. I will always work to bring District 21 the economic triumphs it deserves.

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